A New Jersey, Full-Service Law Firm


Seven Serious Property Defects an Inspection Might Reveal

When people look to purchase a new home, they will often look over a property themselves to see if there are any issues they can see. However, unless a trained inspector can catch plenty of issues you can miss with a simple visual inspection. Here are seven serious property defects that an inspection might reveal:

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Seven Title Defects That Can Sabotage Your Real Estate Deal

When you are looking to purchase real estate, it is not enough to examine the physical property itself. You also need to look into the legal state of the property to determine if there are any title defects, or else face serious potential legal and financial consequences that can ruin your transaction. If you don’t have the assistance of legal counsel and a reputable title agency, here are seven title defects that can sabotage your real estate deal:

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How Can a Home Inspection Help You?

If you are looking to buy a new home, it is very likely one of the biggest financial transactions you will ever make. However, given that current market conditions are very favorable to sellers, not all buyers are choosing to exercise their right to perform a home inspection before they decide to buy, either because of cost concerns or as a tactic to make a bid look more attractive than offers by other potential buyers. If you are not careful, however, a failure to perform a home inspection could result in serious legal and financial problems later on.

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Why Should You Have a Lawyer Present at a Real Estate Closing?

The process of closing a real estate transaction may seem, in theory, be a simple formality. However, even after potentially lengthy negotiation and working through issues between the buyer and seller, there may still arise something that can cause problems at the very last moment. Here are just a few of the reasons why you might want to have a lawyer present when you are closing on a property:

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Five Things That Can Complicate Your Real Estate Sale

When you sell a parcel of real estate, you have the expectation that everything will go reasonably smoothly. However, there are numerous things that can go awry before or during a real estate sale that can make things substantially more difficult, introducing potential legal or economic issues you will need to resolve. Here are five potential complications that can arise during your real estate sale: Continue reading “Five Things That Can Complicate Your Real Estate Sale”

Seeking a New Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic

In the middle of the coronavirus epidemic, finding a new home may not be at the top of many people’s priority lists. Most people are looking to stay at home to avoid the coronavirus, not go out seeking someplace new where they’ll need to confine themselves. However, in many ways there has never been a better opportunity to find a new home, and there are ways for you to find your new dream home without exposing yourself to the coronavirus. Continue reading “Seeking a New Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic”

Things to Check When You Buy Real Estate

If you are looking to purchase real estate, whether it’s for your home, or your business, or for any other reason, there are a few things you’ll want to do before you seal the deal. Of course, there are the obvious things, such as having the property inspected for mold, termites or structural issues. However, there are other, less obvious problems that can give you a big headache later. Continue reading “Things to Check When You Buy Real Estate”

Disposing Of A Tenant’s Property Without The Risk Of A Lawsuit

New Jersey real estate lawyerUnder N.J.S.A. 2A:18-72 of the Tenant Abandoned Property Act, a landlord cannot dispose of a tenant’s property until the following conditions are met:

  • The Landlord regained possession from the tenant by a successful eviction action, or by proof that a tenant voluntarily surrendered possession of the premises, which would be evidenced by a tenant returning his or her key or indicating in writing that he or she surrendered possession; and
  • A landlord shall serve the tenant with a written notice, indicating that tenant must claim all belongings in the dwelling within 33 days, or the items will be presumed to be abandoned, and shall be disposed of.

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