A New Jersey, Full-Service Law Firm


The Pros and Cons of a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

It has become increasingly common in recent years for people to structure their businesses as limited liability companies, also known as LLCs. These types of companies can be good for some businesses, but they are not necessarily the best for everyone. Here are some of the pros and cons of organizing your business as an LLC:

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Why You Should Consider a Pass-Through Entity For Your Company

There are many ways to potentially organize a business, from partnerships to corporations to LLCs and more. However, certain kinds of companies are treated differently from others, and they are known as “pass-through” entities. Depending on your business’ needs, a pass-through entity could be exactly what you need to protect your business’ bottom line. Continue reading “Why You Should Consider a Pass-Through Entity For Your Company”

Is an LLC Right for You?

You may have seen the letters “LLC” next to a company name and wondered what it meant. Or perhaps you have heard of LLCs before, but wondered what the point of them was, or what made them different from corporations. Fortunately, LLCs aren’t too hard to understand as an idea, and forming your own LLC can have many advantages, depending on your individual circumstances. Continue reading “Is an LLC Right for You?”

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